Thursday, 30 March 2017


bad cold , tried to sweat it out . Not entirely successful . Eloise came too

Monday, 27 March 2017


came to the gym with me. Great crowd in . Beautiful stretching woman, pub wieght trainer, mysterious musician , hospital procurement head , sullen plank young bloke , sweaty mufti bloke , junior

Sunday, 26 March 2017


Quite a good work out. Weather is fucked up for running and I went out with one layer more than I needed . Too windy, cold and hot all at the same time

Saturday, 25 March 2017


had to force myself to go a bit. Burpees are hard . Almost got the form nailed

Friday, 24 March 2017


interesting  day. Got a rollocking from c w , heading for a bigger one. Then get invited to Barca sales conference , nominated by SF as one of best BT sales staff in Europe . Fucking imagine that!!

Day off exercise to celebrate

Thursday, 23 March 2017


Sales meeting type thing. Then run 

Had to  fess up to sbp 

Wednesday, 22 March 2017

Expert advise from dark hair steve

kettle bell, slight modifications required.

Suggestion is combine with some burpees

Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Forgot to add

After Mondays kettle bell frenzy my core was so sore i thought I was having a pendicitus

Wharf meeting

wasn't much fun . Gym was quite good though. Familiar crowd. Good 30mins kettle bell plus core stuff and row .

Monday, 20 March 2017

Lunchtime run

Confusing weather, hot, cold , wet windy dry . British spring basically

Ok , 5ms . Bumped into one of my gym buddies en route

Sunday, 19 March 2017

Saturday, 18 March 2017

Friday, 17 March 2017

Thursday, 16 March 2017

Monday, 13 March 2017


back  a bit better, slightly longer than usual. Quite a lot of stretching.

Sunday, 12 March 2017

Saturday, 11 March 2017

Ru N

Back a bit better but legs very tight. Bit faster on way back, almost thought about tackling bythe hill

Monday, 6 March 2017

Sunday, 5 March 2017


ok , kettle bell. Had a barney with oldest daughter . She is very rude at times

Friday, 3 March 2017

Lost. S b p


As DH said no one died etc. Onwards and upwards . Phone been very quiet today thought.myou would have thought someone would have called.

Gym flew into it rather . VF was in . She's playing a big part in the five nations . And is a world champion , and is strong . Clearly at the top of her particular game , even if I'm not mine. Seeing her glowing with pride cheered me right up ...scoring three tries for your county

Thursday, 2 March 2017


heavy day at work

Got o b s s g f o down for delivery tommorow

Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Some cores

Gender wars are over. We're fighting wealth distribution inequality , environmental issues , rise of the right , property prices.... all in it together. By fighting I mean , for me , moaning about it to you.

I expect my daughters to fight , compete etc as equals , and to get on with it , and almost not enter into that argument .  They have family history.. their mother and her sister both prime examples , and my mother who is still taking no prisoners. 

Maybe men and women always always made each other unhappy. My father used to explain the derision that he used to get from my mother as 'men are often not appreciated in their own country '. He didn't sound like he was surprised the way it turned out 

Western life's like it was always. 

Sent from my iPad

On 1 Mar 2017, at 11:37, stephenthailand <> wrote:

I have email addresses for Sarah and Clare, not for Ben. It's a culture problem. I am not so much involved with western habits, having been away for 13 years. 
I believe that western men have been conned by the sisters.
That being the case there's not much to talk about. I don't understand Ben. 
Washed the car and motorbike today, now I deserve a drink with the boy's tomorrow.
Internet tv, filter coffee, beer, cheap rent, sex, health insurance. I have no plans to return to Dworkin land, who by the way died in 2005. 

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.

Gave it a rest

Long day over hot laptop. A pm4 0 to the great and the good , was ok .

Then Eloise's selection session at pghf for her GCSEs .  no gym or anything. Now poetry at the bht