Wednesday 28 June 2017


I liked the prose . Earlier I was presenting to and conducting meeting with mob who are building 40 acre hitech hospital in wales. Some medics, developers , acedemics . Apparently this could  redefine how healthcare is delivered everywhere . The reason it's starting in wales is that the compactness of the place means that this kind of thing is easier to do. Everyone knows each other and they Cooperates . The welsh do the learning and if it works it gets rolled out else where.  The English are too bunged up to do it apparently . Honestly I think it was the most interesting work meeting I have ever been in , in the 34 years I've been in thus game.

I'm not a terribly confident presenter at times , especially when trying to the this is us , we are great  etc. It can be dry to deliver and dull to hear. The first guy up who is a senior plc bloke was shit .  Borderline embarrassing . He did the wider Siemens in the uk and looked like he'd never done it before , let alone seen the slides he was talking about . I did  a session on what we do and had an engaged audience and really  smashed it.  Really good fun.

Then Sandrine called me , I missed the call and called her back. I got an earful for not listening to her message. She's not my fucking secretary apparently.

Tuesday 27 June 2017

Saturday 24 June 2017


ok ...Kettlebell swing and snatch. If I was hardcore I'd do another set of reps

Gym feels like home

Tuesday 20 June 2017


some usual suspects. On the climber again and upping the kb reps

Monday 19 June 2017

Thursday 15 June 2017

More , baby

More flirtatious stuff with bid manager  earlier . 

Fire outcome heartbreaking 

London has taken a bit of a kicking in the last couple of weeks. 

Anton Ferdinand in gym earlier . He's not a premiership bloke anymore , Southend fc . He  was there with a trainer ( who I know a little , a bit thick)

While I was there me and the manager , Polish kris , were admiring the new boiler that is going to be fitted there in next couple of days. 17k worth.  Proper bit of kit . Thing is young member , female, mid 20s , dancers body overheard and assumed we were talking about her. You couldn't make it up. 

My friend John from around the corner is a fucking mess. Keeps falling over ( mid 50s) . Im taking him to docs tomorrow .  Might even end up giving his flat the once over for  an hour or so with a mate over the weekend. She is  resisting the idea . It's too 'personal' apparently . I said  there is an intimacy to helping people


Anton  Ferdinand in, boiler contraversy


Sunday 11 June 2017


ok. Peter the plaster, baz at the end of long training . Young woman getting too close as I was throwing kb about

Saturday 10 June 2017

Monday 5 June 2017


Feeling a malaise this week. 

Some low level crap at work, friends deserting , death and terrorism. They've put some barriers on London bridges now. Sandrine being hormonal . You can tell  by the reactions . My mate Steve from the gym who's mrs has just had a baby was telling me that if he had the chance to relive his life he'd stay single . I pointed out that she probably felt the same .   Did some good work at work earlier and the Kettlebell in the gym . 

My mate around the corner broke his arm falling out of bed. He is a fucking mess. I took him to hospital. I'm his  local carer helper friend plus Irish Phi who also helps. 

Listening to country music 

Sunday /Monday

sunday- 5ms
Monday - gym

Thursday 1 June 2017


run , shouldn't have had large lunch and gone running 45 mins later