Friday 29 September 2017

Tuesday 26 September 2017


found new Hill on TM. Couldn’t finish it. Will try again. 20kg kb x 250

Sunday 24 September 2017


Running up hill TM routine a lot

Plus kb. Ladywell gym not open for at least another 10 days

200 swings at 20kg

Saturday 23 September 2017


Quick 5k , not really what I should be doing . Light in the bathroom working , shower screen up. And plaster off the kitchen

Thursday 21 September 2017


Forest hill

Found new Hill thing on TM , seemed a bit harder than other one I’ve been doing .

Wednesday 20 September 2017


like old times ,

Train there and some really good reading about customer segmentation and onotogy and some philosophical stuff that made me think of billy

Tuesday 19 September 2017


ok, quite good actually . The gym up hill stuff is helping .

Masm - booked a train to go to moreton  tommorow , have some literature to read .

Monday 18 September 2017


gym - hard going but stuck at it

Masm - started to think about segmentation, themes in CM. getting to grips with OneNote a little . VPN on work iPad appears to work

Sunday 17 September 2017

Gym masm

back in the gym after a week of running

Kids here . Jules need some reassurance

Got the Vpns all in , read a piece , made some notes

Started to wonder whether there  is channel management writing to describe internal situation

Saturday 16 September 2017

Blog changes

4m run quick as poss.

MASM - got the IT sorted out mostly . Found some journal pieces on   Channel vs
Sm , some segmentation stuff. Need to think about the segments as they apply

Thursday 14 September 2017

Wednesday 13 September 2017

Tuesday 12 September 2017

Monday 11 September 2017

Portsmouth southsea

5/6 miles along the front. Went at a bit of a clip. Very friendly crowd out running . In the queens , back in Portsmouth at the biz school

Sunday 10 September 2017


for me quite hardcore . Turned TM up to 11.  It's true the nearer you get to FH the bette looking the women get .

Friday 8 September 2017

Two runs

Longer 5m run Swansea

5m London . Ok . Need to conentrate on slowing down a bit

Wednesday 6 September 2017

Monday 4 September 2017

Friday 1 September 2017


struggled with the TM  but ok warm up.  Some plank and   4 sets of  75 kb swings @20kg
Forest hill gym , warming to it but the staff are useless .