Wednesday 18 August 2010

Tuesday is day of rest

I had a fall out with the wife over her failure to get home from  work early enough so i could maintain my silly run every day with occaisional days off routine. What a prat I am . In my defence I had spent all day with the kids and they were driving me a little kettle. My excuse. Working from home today and hope to get out on the road around lunch time.

Monday 16 August 2010


My legs are killing me from last weeks close to 50 miles and a couple of sessions in the gym. taking the kids to see toy story three today. will I sob

Sunday 15 August 2010

Gym on a sunday morning

Ladywell Gym at 9.00am on  a sunday is full of blokes over 40, as if this is the breed that particularly forgot how to lie in years back. Me it suits, quick breakfast, and back home in 90 mins. Didn't eat enough sunday miorning so felt quite spaced until lunch time. Must stop doing that

Saturday 14 August 2010

Girls in France

My girls have been in france leaving me to my own devices for over a week, and i've only put on a kilo. And ran nearly 50 miles over the last 8 days.yesterday was a rest day.  feeling quite deflated by a forum guy, my age and training saying that his race pace is 8min miles. Mine is at least a minute slower, bugger. I supect my shit gait has something to do with it. need to go for a run later today. i had a rest day yestyerday and really want to hit the streets later. wtf is  happening.

Thursday 12 August 2010

Lunch time Run

Had a quick 10k run at lunch  time, now on quest to try and better buy lumps of white plastic with LED's inside for work.

Nothing to report from run except that I couldn't be arsed to extend it to the 10 miles I fancied at the start.

the gym again

One more thing, at the gym a load of boxers turned up. Fit as fuck,  dangerous looking and sounding. Managed to intimidate the only other guy in the gym within a few minutes of them getting there. Fucking idiots. They were talking about what they were going to do to some other guy, 'box him up' apparently.

French Training

I spent a few days in France with the kids.  Managed 38 miles in five days and still managed to put on a  couple of Kilos.  I saw the same frog four  times!     I went to the gym after work, which was after  a gruesome conference call at work. the gym went well and I got a PB on the rower. 6.8K in 30 mins. Is that good i've no idea. I've also added some sit ups to me routine, cos apparently  that makes you run faster or sonething.

Thursday 5 August 2010

How did this happen then?

I used to run in my  teens and my twenties, and was regarded as nutter at school because I  used to like cross country. I was mad on athletics as a kid too and could do a reasonable 400m. Fast Forward some years I'm over wieght unfit 46 year old, with a crumbling marriage,  a smoker and  fond of a drink.

So I bought a treadmill, a right old lump of a thing  for  less than 300ukp delivered. It sat in a fucking huge  cardboard  box in the hall for a week. I assembled it  and ran slowly for 10 minutes one thursday night. It took me two hours for  my body to get back to temperature. So thereafter I spent a little time pretty much every day running on the treadmill, and I mean almost every day.  After 4 months or so I could run for 45 mins although it was starting to get fearsomely dull  and thought about hiting the streets

Wednesday 4 August 2010

tempo run

What ever that is i think i did one tonight. I've realised that a training regime consisting of just going  for a run and kind of working out who long and how fast as i go might  have to change. so now i have a plan. as i've  said i started the gym, have a LSR every week, a few runs to keep the mileage up and some speed work. Todays 'speed' work was 10K in 53mins, which is the kind of marathon pace i'd like  to work towards. I'm 46 FFS.

I'm on holiday from friday in the depths of SW France so am planning some early morning jaunts around caussade.

I'll get around to scrawling how this madness started.

Tuesday 3 August 2010

Shed Load of Love

eventually the organised team that our shed load get their act together and put out out their  CD. might have a day off running tommorow.

Bumped into bloke know from the boozer at the gym

Bumped in to geezer i know at the gym , he was starting a his and hers seaaion with what looks like a new girlfriend. he did a really slow long cycle and i don't think actaully broke sweat. i was watching him as i tore into the rower. apparently upper  body strength will help my marathon and i'll give anything a try. i have pecs now for the first time in 15  years.

christ the gym is boring, after 30mins rowing I do a quick sweep of four machines and some sits ups, while the enthusiasts concoct strange lifting shapes with free wieghts. no doubt working one particular back muscle that's not quite up to scratch. Me i like excersise that does loads of muscles all at  the same time. I'm typing this on my duaghters netbook, and the keyboard is sh1t.
still mastering the runnng blog. next some info about how i stared  this running crazyness. 

Monday 2 August 2010

First Blog!!!

I've been meaning to start a blog to go with my attempts to  raise the charity money necessary for my participation in the London parks half and  the london marathon proper in april next year. Here it is.  The idea is document my training, post up  some pictures of me looking sweat and shagged out, and probably lots of complaining about pedestrians in the london boroughs  of greenwich and lewisham. here goes then.

Today's run was 10.5miles  with a average pace  of 9mins 30/m. I'm starting to think that this kind of pace might be my target for the VLM. I had wondered about a crazy interval program to get it to close to eight. I must be mad. Maybe 9mins might be feasable.